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The photos on my homepage, service pages, and About me page were taken by Jeanique van den Berg and Chris Top, and they reserve all rights provided by copyright law.


Nothing on this website is provided for any specific purpose or at the request of any particular person or third party. I have no affiliation with certain companies or businesses; none of the content on this website is sponsored. If this changes in the future, it will be acknowledged here.

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All text on this website have been written and edited by me unless specified otherwise.

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While care and consideration have been taken in the creation of the content on this website, I do not warrant, represent, or guarantee that the material published on this website is in all respects accurate, complete, and current. To the extent permitted by law, I am not liable for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of text, images, videos,  links, or other information on this website.

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External links

This website may contain links to other websites. I am not responsible for the content on any third-party websites to which links are provided on this website. Any links to other websites are provided for your information and convenience only. I do not endorse or control these websites and cannot guarantee that the material on those websites is in all respects accurate, complete, and current.

I will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction of products or services between you and third-party providers.

Last updated: 02 May 2021

error: If you want to copy the content, please give appropriate credit. Let's respect each other's work. Thank you!