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The first mermaid school opens in the Netherlands

The first mermaid school opens in the Netherlands

Swimming is a way to a healthy life. But now it is also a way to a fairy tale life. Well-trained swimmers in the Netherlands have the opportunity to swap their goggles for a tail.

Once mermaiding was only in the fairy tales, but now it has transformed into a whole business of training girls to be mermaids. Marijke Pie opened the first school for mermaids in the Netherlands for obvious reasons: “Mermaids are awesome! Who doesn’t like mermaids?”

Mermaiding is quite popular around the world. Most of the mermaids in the US, for example, are ocean activists working on projects for preserving the oceans and their precious animal life.

Pie’s mermaid school isn’t related to such causes. However, it teaches people techniques such as how to dive, keep their breath longer, and move in a special way. And she isn’t the only one who is into that.

But what does being a mermaid feel like? Watch my interview with some of the mermaids:

The filming of the video was made in collaboration with Kalina Tekelieva.

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