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My work-at-home tips that will help you too

My work-at-home tips that will help you too

In the current uncertain times of rapid changes that have turned everything upside down, I don’t have all the answers you want. This whole situation is utterly unprecedented, and everything I know about COVID-19 comes from a few trusted sources on the internet. But what I do know about is how to work at home away from people, maintain effective communication, and stay productive and healthy. And I want to share that with you.

The good news is working remotely isn’t about reinventing the wheel: it all comes down to discipline, adjusting your work habits, and establishing a healthy routine.

Here are my six work-at-home tips that have kept me moving forward in the years as a freelancer and I hope will help you too now.

Create a healthy daily routine to give your days structure

Get up at your normal time and don’t skip hygiene-related habits, such as showering, brushing teeth, and getting dressed. Don’t touch your phone first thing in the morning; do something that gets you in a calm and clear state of mind: do some reading, writing, physical exercise, meditating, or just sip your coffee and listen to your favorite music. Set clear working hours and block time for breaks, and don’t forget to stick to them.

Make your home workspace as comfortable as possible

Separate your workspace from your personal space as much as possible: if you like to enjoy your evenings on the couch or read a book in the nook, don’t set your computer there. If it isn’t possible to work in a separate room, retain your working space in a corner with the least traffic flow that doesn’t intrude with the lives of your family members or roommates. Use noise-canceling headphones to minimize any distractions and noise.


Once your working day begins, block your social media channels for the next eight hours (I use 1Focus app). Leave your phone at the other end of the room – vibration on – so that you won’t get tempted to check the pile of notifications every now and then, but you can still hear when a colleague or client calls. Plan snack times and cut down your trips to the fridge whenever the mood strikes you. Fight the temptation to do your laundry when you are bored or overwhelmed with work: do it during your breaks.

Stay updated on what your team is doing

With today’s technologies anything is possible, so make sure you video call with your team and ask your colleagues for regular feedback (I use Google Hangouts when I video call clients or fellow freelancers). Human interaction, especially if remote work is new for you, can make all the difference in your productivity but also in your mental and emotional well-being. You shouldn’t let social distancing disconnect you from the people you work with.

End the working day at the end of the working day

One of the hardest parts of working remotely is the blurred line between the office and home. If you have had a rough day, it is hard not to carry frustration from work right into dinner because you are literally in the same space. Do something to signal the end of the working day: do a workout, take a shower, change clothes, have a coffee or tea in your garden or balcony, cook dinner. Believe me, you don’t want to get in the habit of burning the midnight oil: that will have repercussions on your mental health sooner than later.

Stay healthy

It is crucial not to forget to move, especially in the current quarantine situation. Don’t be glued to your chair all day long: move around your house or apartment and go for a walk around the block (unless your city is in a total lockdown). You can even set an alarm to get up and stretch every hour. Move to a separate area – away from your computer – to eat your lunch. Make sure you exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. Keep a big bottle or jug with water next to you so that you don’t forget to stay hydrated; make sure your fridge is always stocked with fresh fruits, veggies, greens, and proteins.


Don’t forget working from home offers freedom and opportunities for you to create healthier habits while remaining productive. Remind yourself this is a temporary situation and that by staying at home you protect the most vulnerable groups.

What is your trick that has helped you the most with working from home? Let me know in a comment.

Featured image: Benjamin Salvatore, Unsplash.

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