The web has already started to feel like a whirlwind of COVID-19 rumors, hoaxes, speculation, and spam. However, even though you might have got overwhelmed with all this (mis)information, as a marketer or small business owner you worry that if you don’t talk about COVID-19, like nearly every company under the sun is doing, you won’t be topical and relevant. This is why it is crucial to take a moment and evaluate if the content you are sharing adds actual value to your prospects and customers.
Not yet another COVID-19 post
Yes, the world is experiencing a once-in-100-year event with the current pandemic, and if you have something to say about the situation that will add value to your audience, say it. But don’t overwhelm.
I spent more than a week mulling over what to post next on my blog as I wanted to stay relevant but not add to the noise. I had a hunch that I should write more COVID-19 related content because this is what everyone is talking about on a global scale. However, my common sense was shouting out that I don’t have anything more to say about the current situation that is relevant and valuable to you, my audience.
The solution was simple: I have said what I had to say in order to help you adjust your content strategy during this global crisis and ease your new reality of working from home with tricks I have applied for already three years. I have nothing more to say about the current situation (at least for now), and I am moving on with other topics that I hope will add value to you.
This is also my advice to you, marketers and small business owners:
Just because nearly everyone is churning out COVID-19 related content doesn’t mean you have to do it too. Pull the plug on the COVID-19 content machine and re-evaluate what you are communicating with your audience; staying relevant and valuable to them and true to your purpose should be your top priority in your content strategy.
In the end, every single piece of content you generate should be aligned with your company purpose and your audience’s needs.
Add value with your content
I have already talked about what your content during crisis should be, so I won’t repeat myself. But what are the building blocks of content that adds value to your prospects and customers and that hold true not only in a post-pandemic world?
1. Focus on your buyer personas
How can you stay relevant and useful to your audience if you don’t know who they are? You can waste so much time creating content for everyone when all you need to be focusing on are your ideal customers. Try to understand them well enough to know exactly what type of information they appreciate, and focus your content on sharing your knowledge with them. Next time you sit to write any type of content, look at your buyer persona template and give that person the information he needs.
2. Be empathic
It is crucial to think how your prospects and customers might be feeling and what they might be experiencing now. Try to understand them and respect their situation. For example, if your customers are in the hospitality industry, it might not be a good idea to upsell them on your product now; if you are a clothing retailer, it might not be appropriate to promote your spring/summer collection with copy such as “You are ready to enjoy the warmer days outside.” We need to stay home, remember? Put yourself in your buyer persona’s shoes and address his problems and needs.
Besides, to some extent, everyone is craving some normality. As the world is gradually moving out of the pandemic state and people realize we will be in this for the long hold—perhaps months, or even longer—you need to offer some normality and security to your prospects and customers. What a better way to do that than acknowledge their struggles, think critically about the best solutions to help them, and address their biggest pain points?
3. Meet your prospects’ and customers’ needs
Next time you go about writing any piece of content, first ask yourself: “Will this content teach my prospects and customers something new that is relevant to them? Will it provide them with accurate and helpful information to solve a specific problem? Will it inform them about something they don’t already know? Will it entertain them and make them feel better?”
Switch the focus from “What I think and what I find important,” to “How I can use my skill set, knowledge, and expertise to be helpful to my prospects and customers.” Anticipate their needs and provide them with truly relevant and useful information that will help them address their challenges and answer their questions.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a huge health crisis that has changed life as we know it, I don’t deny that. But the more companies are talking about it, the more overwhelming it is getting. Don’t fall on the slippery slope of churning out stacks upon stacks of COVID-19 related content; address the topic only if you can add any real value. Stay true to your Why and company values; stay relevant to your target audience, tapping into empathy and meeting their needs.
I hope you have found these tips helpful. How do you add value to your prospects and customers with your content? Let me know in a comment.
Do you need help with creating content that adds value? Email me and I would love to help you.