This is the year you can become the writer you want to be

This year you can become the writer you want to be

Last year you promised yourself you would start writing a book or get back to blogging. You added the same new year’s resolution to this year’s list. Now, three weeks later, you are juggling working from home while homeschooling your children, doing the household chores, spending some quality time with your family, maintaining some social life (mostly online), and catching your breath in between. Writing is the last thing that …

My work-at-home tips that will help you too

My work-at-home tips that will help you too

In the current uncertain times of rapid changes that have turned everything upside down, I don’t have all the answers you want. This whole situation is utterly unprecedented, and everything I know about COVID-19 comes from a few trusted sources on the internet. But what I do know about is how to work at home away from people, maintain effective communication, and stay productive and healthy. And I want to …

Let's talk about women's empowerment

Let’s talk about women’s empowerment

Last week, women all over the world celebrated the International Women’s Day. I personally celebrated by finishing the “Testaments” by Margaret Atwood, watching “Little Women” in the cinema but above all by being grateful that I have the right to vote, I have the right to go to school and university, I have the right to work, I have the right to drive, I have the right to choose who …

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