Every day we keep reading about the astounding progress in the world’s high-tech leader, San Francisco’s Silicon Valley. Yet, there is something we are missing. A rather small country geographically is gradually transforming into the new power in tech innovations. With its everyday top-notch scientific and technological advancements and highly qualified workforce, the Netherlands is steadily becoming the new Silicon Valley.
Speed dating with robots can help people with dementia
At present, there are 250, 000 people in the Netherlands who suffer from dementia and their number is expected to double by 2040. However, speed dating with Tessa, a small talking robot designed by Tinybots, is taking a step further in the care of people with dementia.
The first mermaid school opens in the Netherlands
Swimming is a way to a healthy life. But now it is also a way to a fairy tale life. Well-trained swimmers in the Netherlands have the opportunity to swap their goggles for a tail.
Why is organic food so expensive?
It is certain that when you ask any fan of organic food they will assure you that they eat healthier. But who can answer the question why organic food is more expensive than conventional food?