When do you need to hire a content writer

When do you need to hire a content writer?

As a small business owner, you might try to cut corners by writing the content for your website, marketing materials, and social media yourself. While this makes sense in some scenarios and phases of your small business, in others it can actually harm your business reputation. This article sheds light on the most common scenarios when hiring a content writer can solve your content creation problems and when it makes …

Nobody cares about your product or service, a content marketing truth

Nobody cares about your product or service: a content marketing truth

People care about themselves, they don’t care about what you sell. It sounds harsh but it is true. If you want to attract more customers, you need to create content that tunes in to their “What is in it for me?” instead of overfocusing on what you sell. There are a few simple techniques that can tweak your product-centric content into customer-centric to benefit your prospects and customers.

You are missing the obvious why your content hurts your business, AB Media & Communication

You are missing the obvious why your content hurts your business

Your ideal customers are bombarded with content, so they create opinions about your business in the blink of an eye. If your content isn’t relevant and valuable to them and if it doesn’t answer their questions or meet their needs, they will be away before you know it, going right to your competitors. Here is what you might be doing wrong with your content and how to change it so …

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