Waiting for my meal at a lunch bar in Groningen, I find myself smiling at the thought of the gripping work project I am rounding off and the so awaited power yoga class tonight. I barely notice the stranger standing by my side, a big smile on his untried face. “What’s your name?” he asks me and follows up with “How old are you?” Caught off guard, I almost retort, …
Uncensored: on women’s bodies, eating disorders, and social media
In the Women’s Month, let’s take a moment to unearth an often swept under the rug discussion about a mental illness that is affecting millions of women all over the world1. A mental illness that, unfortunately, isn’t high on the agenda of the institutions that can make a difference. A mental illness that is on the rise2 and has the second highest mortality rate worldwide3: eating disorders.
What everybody needs to know about female rivalry in the workplace
Have you ever been bullied by another woman in the workplace? If yes, you aren’t alone. According to research, 70% of women have been bullied by a female boss. Sadly, I fall into this category, too. At last, after three years, I have the mental strength to share my experience and what I have learned from it and how we – women together – can take small steps to become …
Four easy ways to support gender equality in daily life
The International Women’s Day is over, and so are all inspiring social media posts, and I want to ask you: what are you going to do from now on to support gender equality? To help you with the answer, I have compiled a list with four easy ways how you and I can create a ripple effect with small acts done on a daily basis.